Sellers For Oakland, CA
18 Sellers
Selling Uhuru Pies is important to me because it contributes toward the building of an independent African economy.....every single pie....every single donation.
36 / 25 pies sold
Uhuru pies are not only incredibly delicious and made-from-scratch by a highly skilled baker and a crew of amazing volunteers, but they are helping to create an independent African economy through the Black Power Blueprint. This means building commerce and sustainability in African communities through African self-determination and self-reliance. The Black Power Blueprint programs include a completed Uhuru House community center, the Jiko community kitchen, a community garden, a doula training center, an outdoor market place, a community basketball court, a live-work development program for people coming out of the colonial prison system. Right now in St. Louis, the Black Power Blueprint is...
6 / 10 pies sold
From the river to the sea, Free Palestine and the Uhuru 3.
56 / 27 pies sold
Selling Uhuru pies is a way for me to contribute to meaningful community and economic programs (with delicious food!)
4 / 10 pies sold
Economic, political, complete liberation and self-determination for African and all oppressed people are vital and growing. Uhuru Pies is part of that. If I can help, I want to help!
0 / 10 pies sold
Buying your holiday pies from Uhuru Pies is a terrific way to stand for justice by supporting black-led self-determination programs (and it might even start a fruitful conversation at your holiday table).
23 / 25 pies sold
I've traveled to Oakland from Minneapolis to help with the pie campaign because each pie supports the independent African anti-colonial economy!
13 / 10 pies sold
I've been a long-time supporter of Uhuru Pies. It is rare enough that in this world we can combine our economic activity with something that actually does real good in the world -- and not just "green washing", but real fundamental system changing work.
14 / 10 pies sold
Uhuru Pies supports the Black Power Blueprint in St. Louis and programs for African self-reliance and economic development worldwide! Uhuru Pies are building that worldwide African economy and putting control of food back into the hands of Africa people. When you sit down to the holiday table with your Uhuru pie, you are really part of building a new world.
120 / 25 pies sold
I am dedicated to selling pies for Uhuru Foods & Pies this season because this is just a small taste of what a liberated Africa will look like! When you buy a pie, your support goes back towards developing concrete programs and institutions for African liberation and self-determination. If you haven't tasted an Uhuru Pie yet, now's the time! And if you have already, then you know what I mean! Support the genuine work to building an independent economy for African people! Buy your Uhuru Pie(s) TODAY!
7 / 10 pies sold
UHURU means freedom. Supporting Uhuru Pies means standing in solidarity with the real, everyday struggle inside African communities throughout this country against poverty and exploitation, and for economic, political, and social control over their lives. The Uhuru Movement is the highest expression of the tradition of Self Determination, is organizing tirelessly for black community power over housing, education, health care, safety and security, environmental quality, food production, and meaningful, sustainable, economic development. What you can do: >Buy pies for the holiday parties with friends and family, >Sell pies, >Help with production and baking in Oakland, >Host a pie...
141 / 25 pies sold
I feel that the only way forward for society as a whole is to support the independent African economy led by Black Star Industries. Food, health care, housing and jobs should be accessible to all as a human right, and I want to help Uhuru Foods achieve the vision of abundant resources in the hands of the African community.
8 / 15 pies sold
African self-determination is very important and as the Marketing/Sales/Outreach Coordinator for Uhuru Pies, I want to promote our delicious pies in support of the Black Power Blueprint Campaign that's building an independent African economy in St. Louis and soon to be everywhere! I want to see Uhuru Pies transforming the economic terrain for African people, overturning the current and historic devestation we've suffered for far too long. So buy a pie or 10 or 100 and let's get social and economic justice on every dinner table!
4 / 10 pies sold
Bring Social Justice for the African community home to your holiday table! Pre-order your favorite Uhuru Pies flavors to make sure the ones you want are fresh-baked and waiting for you on the day you want to pick them up. Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles closed on October 22 after 34 years on Grand Avenue. While Uhuru Furniture is closing, the African People's Education and Defense Fund is building. We are asking all of our customers and supporters to honor the 34-year history of Uhuru Furniture by choosing us as your "seller" this holiday. You can still pick up your pies on Grand Avenue at the Safeway or any location of your choosing! Support African self-determination(c).
29 / 100 pies sold
I sell pies because it it one way I can stand in support of black people organizing and struggling for self-determination. Uhuru!
43 / 30 pies sold
Uhuru Pies has been a consistent way I can involve family and friends in bringing resources to Black Star Industries and keep present for them the work to build an independent African economy, reverse gentrification and overturn colonialism. It's also a way to express unity with reparations to African people.
23 / 30 pies sold
I have a love for Uhuru activities and selling pies helps me to connect with people.